Sunday, June 17, 2007

(Another ) B’Day …

This year, my B’day is spent most of it in the plane. Another year has passed, another wrinkles, another challenge to come, and most of all, friendly reminder of how I should be grateful on my life.. all the laughter, joy and tears. I know that we shouldn’t wait till a certain dates to have contemplating moment, but we tend to allow our self to be dragged away in routine and schedule our private reflective moment later on.

So I guess there’s nothing special in a Birthday, It’s just fell different cause it’s another schedule for annual contemplation (short one unfortunately). It is also special because it’s just nice to have friends wish you all the good things. To have your sisters brought you a cake and home made cooking, and to blow the candles with your nephews. That’s it…

I guess enough for now.. let me go back on my “Blink” pages …


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