“Nothing Beats the fun of shopping and dining” that’s the opening line of Indonesian online news portal in one of the advertisement articles. That kind of struck me right at my stomach..
What happen is that I have a feeling that I spend too much lately. Nothing new though unfortunately, but when it felt like something is not right (since when spending too much is right dear...) I’d better do something.
So I began with updating my expense report and scrutinize my bills which were not thrown out. Apart from my claims, when I was scanning my own bills, my stomach again pinched. I always assume that I spend fair of amount in each month. Or at least compensate major disbursement with lower spending at the following month. But seems that is not happening. Dresses, Accessories, Shoes, Any other type of clothes, Gifts, Bedding, kitchen stuff, cutlery, dishes, home decoration, flexes, shawl, dining, you name it! Those are all right, some of them are even claimable, but my buying pattern is the worry.
Week by week every month.. that’s scary! I remember in one of TV talk show, people who don’t have any spending plan, who just bought what they like are the most likely who got into deep financial mess!!! Gosh… and I see my self when I went through the dates of the bills.. There’s always excuses.. need.. wants… Yes, I haven’t reached that level of exclusive brand addict, but I just found out that avoiding single major amount is how I justify my spending habit. Doesn’t feel right if I come home with empty handed from whatever place which sells goods! Sick! The urge to buy is something beyond the consciousness lately … hate to say it, but I am after the sensation of having new stuff. Even though I consciously watch my self not to reach the stage where I would have un open shopping bags for days or weeks.. that will be a final terminal sign of this disease !
Damn… My name is Alina and I’m that close to shopaholic.. I AM NOT THERE YET!
Btw, today I visited one of other Indonesian fellow house for a serious feast by the beach located out of town. In addition to the fact that the house was more to a resort where you can just open your common room towards the garden by unpolluted beach, the house is very intelligently decorated. This week theme is Arabic I suppose, lots of Syrian, Morrocan, Jordan, Kuwait and Indian antiques, wall hanging, comfortable and nice carpets are blended into a perfect harmony. And my blood has that pulse urging for hunting that antiques… help…………………… (hmm I might need to check with personnel for second year utilities allowance hahaha)
What happen is that I have a feeling that I spend too much lately. Nothing new though unfortunately, but when it felt like something is not right (since when spending too much is right dear...) I’d better do something.
So I began with updating my expense report and scrutinize my bills which were not thrown out. Apart from my claims, when I was scanning my own bills, my stomach again pinched. I always assume that I spend fair of amount in each month. Or at least compensate major disbursement with lower spending at the following month. But seems that is not happening. Dresses, Accessories, Shoes, Any other type of clothes, Gifts, Bedding, kitchen stuff, cutlery, dishes, home decoration, flexes, shawl, dining, you name it! Those are all right, some of them are even claimable, but my buying pattern is the worry.
Week by week every month.. that’s scary! I remember in one of TV talk show, people who don’t have any spending plan, who just bought what they like are the most likely who got into deep financial mess!!! Gosh… and I see my self when I went through the dates of the bills.. There’s always excuses.. need.. wants… Yes, I haven’t reached that level of exclusive brand addict, but I just found out that avoiding single major amount is how I justify my spending habit. Doesn’t feel right if I come home with empty handed from whatever place which sells goods! Sick! The urge to buy is something beyond the consciousness lately … hate to say it, but I am after the sensation of having new stuff. Even though I consciously watch my self not to reach the stage where I would have un open shopping bags for days or weeks.. that will be a final terminal sign of this disease !
Damn… My name is Alina and I’m that close to shopaholic.. I AM NOT THERE YET!
Btw, today I visited one of other Indonesian fellow house for a serious feast by the beach located out of town. In addition to the fact that the house was more to a resort where you can just open your common room towards the garden by unpolluted beach, the house is very intelligently decorated. This week theme is Arabic I suppose, lots of Syrian, Morrocan, Jordan, Kuwait and Indian antiques, wall hanging, comfortable and nice carpets are blended into a perfect harmony. And my blood has that pulse urging for hunting that antiques… help…………………… (hmm I might need to check with personnel for second year utilities allowance hahaha)
hehe....nga usah takut mba? sama kok ama saya hehe , masih ada temennya, emang gitu kali ya penyakit org2 bujangan huaha, klo mo beli sesuatu nga pake mikir hehe...eh ngomong2 villa moda mo sale tuh mba? tgl 1 maret hanya sehari di deket moven pick hotel hehehe...
oya, mba salam kenal nama saya eman sagala, tinggal di jabriya, temannya dita & pinot, klo dah berhasil mengatasi shopaholic kasih tau saya ya tips & tricknya hehe :)
*sorry Lin* bassiiiiiiiiii lu man! ayo nabung!
Hi Eman! thanks for visiting my blog. Well sampai detik ini, tahap rehabilitasi kan masih berjalan, baru tiga hari hahaha!
Btw, ga ada blognya neh?biar aku bisa kunjungan balesan sekalian kenal lebih baik.
Anyway, masalah si villa moda ini kayaknya tinggal nunggu update dari temen-temen pelanggan setia itu butik.. tapi ga mau ikutan ah.. hihihihi...
oya, jadi biasa shopping di mana aja ya? halah...
Dit, gue kan dah on the right track.. (3 hari), semoga iman gue kuat buat ga ke tempat orang jualan week end ini.
hwahahaha...iya deh didoakeun kuat iman ;)
hihi dit..dit.. gw kan dr dulu udah pengen nabung dari dulu cuma susah nahannya hehe apalagi klo urusan gadget huahhha bisa nga tidur tuh gw mikirin terus hehe, (for dita...)
sampai saat ini blum buat blog, nga bisa nulis ;P hehe
ntar deh klo dah brani nulis ntar gw buat blogmya, say hellonya ntar aja klo kita ketemu sambil ngopy bareng2 hehe, ya ngabisin waktu luang disini sekalian menahan diri untuk window shopping huahaha
shoppingnya ngacak nga tentu dimana ada barang yg menarik, unik ,designnya lucu dan bagus aja hehehe, boleh kapan2 kita hunting bareng2 ato saling mengingatkan klo mulai kumat penyakitnya huahha ;P
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