Friday, February 08, 2008

Told Yaa...

Hey.. told you.. it will never be easy..!
Been there, done that, so many times that I don't even want to go near it
But it keep pulling me closer..
Make me believe that it's all right.. another game.. another night.. another fun..
Seize the day!
It should have been a lovely week get away
Honest smile, thank you and hasta la vista..
It is like that ..
Except that creepy hollow over shadow the days...
And here I am , cursing in everything I met for such a foolish and careless act
Reconstructing broken soul, of not being intimidated .. of empty seat and silenced sounds

told you.. it will never be easy!


Anonymous said...

kayanya lagu yang lagi hits di UK ini cocok banget ama elu. umurnya baru 19, kira2 seumuran elu waktu kita pertama kali ketemu

Chasing Pavements - Adele (teks) (videoclip)
I've made up my mind
don't need to think it over
if i'm wrong i am right
don't need to look no further
this aint lust i know this is love

but if i tell the world
i'll never say enough
cos it was not said to you
and that's exactly what i need to do
if i end up with you

should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there.
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere

i build myself up
and fly around in circles
waiting as my heart drops
and my back begins to tingle
finally could this be it

or should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements

even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there.
should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere

should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads no where,
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place
should i leave it there

should i give up
or should i just keep on chasing pavements
should i just keep on chasing pavements

should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere
or would it be a waste
even if i knew my place should i leave it there

should i give up
or should i just keep chasing pavements
even if it leads nowhere

Alina said...

gue masih mikir, kenapa variabel umur pas kita pertama kali ketemu tercantum sebagai pengantar..

eh, kirimin mp3 nya dunk to..

and I am still trying to reflect what exactly this lyrics has to say on my days...

let's chat...hehehe

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

hi Alina, salam kenal dari Pinot & Dita di Salmiya, q8 ;). Interesting story you have!

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

hi Alina, salam kenal dari Pinot & Dita di Salmiya, q8 ;). Interesting story you have! Boleh di link yah.

Alina said...

Hi Pinot,Dita, wah kehormatan neh blog gue di kunjungin kalian
soale gue termasuk fans blog kalian!hahaha
Emang ada yang bilang, sesama blogger harus saling mengunjungi, halah!
Wah buat di link sepertinya masih agak malu.. jarang update juga. Tapi buat di taroh di favorite dan di tengok sekali-kali, that will be my honor..
Btw, seandainya waktu dan kesempatan mengijinkan alangkah baiknya kalo kita ketemuan aja. Nambah temen di State of Kuwait ini.

Pinot W. Ichwandardi said...

Good idea Lin, kapan kopi darat *ceile istilahnya*...wakakak! Kita juga seneng berkunjung ke mari...postingannya tajam dan terpercaya...halah kek iklan harian apa yah? ;). Bener loh, membuat kita melihat dari perspektif yg lain yang ternyata seru-seru.