Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sweeney Todd.. Sick Romantic

Lagi banyak pelem bagus di Kuwait, all Oscar nominee deh judulnya. Pelem-pelem laen juga ada, silk, clover field (eh bener ga sih), trus ada itu spiderwick, entah apa lagi
Semalem gue nonton si gila Johny Deep di sweeney todd. Gue ga tau kalo itu musikal, bukannya apa-apa ga ada terjemahannya kadang gue suka ga nangkep.. hahaha (mau malu).. Setengah pelem pertama, buat gue terlalu lambat dan cenderung bosan. Orang-orang Arab yang sepertinya sama kayak gue pada ninggalin bioskop.
Just about when I start regretting, masuk setengah pelem ke dua menjadi menarik buat gue. Duh gue ga detail anaknya, so gue ga bisa review in detail. Tapi gue amaze ama kemampuan director dan Mas Johny bikin scene yang so sick, painfull and yet romantic and so sad while the world around the actor still busy evolving its daily routine. Gue suka adegan Sweeney lagi picnic dengan muka dingin dan penuh dendam sementara si ceweknya berbunga-bunga menikmati suasana penuh cinta yand ada di pikiran dia sendiri. Dan tentu aja pas adegan penutup dimana Sweeney mati duduk bersimpuh di lantai dengan leher di bersimbah darah persis sama dengan istrinya yang juga mati dengan cara yang sama. Ironis karena ternyata pembalasan dendam dia ke masyarakat dengan bunuhin orang berujung dengan dia membunuh istrinya sendiri yang dia gak kenalin karena di bilang istrinya dah mati dan mukanya agak rusak. Romantic karena dia mati in sorrow and guilt meluk mayat istrinya. So sad karena semua tokoh utama mati atas nama cinta. And so sick of that bloody scene everywhere, specially the idea of having human meat pie, and having all the fresh corps grinded... cooking tips of the day: if you grind the human corps, make sure that you do it well, otherwise customer will not be happy when they found a finger in their pie..
Aslinya gue ga bisa makan abis itu, bagus juga buat diet.. hihihi
My friends who went with me last night hate that movie .. it is not acceptable for him to have all the bloody scene and brutal murder in a very beatiful song (free translation:Sick) and my other friend keep shouting during the movie and she lost apetite as well eventhough she was not having any meal during the day
So thats raise a small question to my self.. how did I see the beauty, the art of that movie and amaze by it? Me=Sick as well? hahaha


Anonymous said...

tim burton punya selera humor yang aneh. agak njelehi.


Anonymous said...

Non Alina...Kalo nulis review atau apa pun tentang film mbok ya jangan di-reveal gityu toh akhir ceritanya... kasian yang belum nonton...

Alina said...

Hihihi... honestly.. SENGAJA!
yah ini kan rekaman pengalaman saya pas nonton bukan review

*ngeles .. maap...

anekariasafari said...

I don't his a funny gu, he's a very Serious guy, read these...

Often does the beginning credits sequence with the camera going through something (Batman (1989), Beetle Juice (1988), Edward Scissorhands (1990), or following something (Batman Returns (1992), Mars Attacks! (1996), Sleepy Hollow (1999)).His films often have a Gothic feel to them, often including Christmas and/or Halloween scenes. Plot often focuses around a misunderstood outcast. Frequently uses composer Danny Elfman. Frequently casts Jeffrey Jones, Paul Reubens, Glenn Shadix, Michael Keaton, Lisa Marie, Johnny Depp, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Gough, Deep Roy and Christopher Lee. Frequently features dead or dismembered dogs.He often likes to open his films with a quiet night time snowfall.

Many of his films feature townspeople who misunderstand and/ordistrust the lead character. Obsession with horror actors: he makes movies about them (Vincent (1982), Ed Wood (1994)), or he actually casts them in his films (e.g. Vincent Price, Michael Gough, Christopher Lee, Christopher Walken). Often shows scarecrows in his movies. His movies always opens with a personal version of the studio's logo.Usually includes fantasy elements in his films.

Often looks into the main character's past through a series of flashbacks (i.e. Edward Scissorhands (1990), Sleepy Hollow (1999), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)).

senjamenyapa said...

nice copy paste job