Being two hours on time before departing at Changi, is not without purpose. I religiously keep my self away from cosmetics and skin care counters during my stay in Singapore and now it’s pay back time..!! the cheapest cosmetics around the world (lebai..) as far as I know is Changi airport .. So I perform my ritual whenever I pass by this airport.. make up shopping lah.. and this time complete with make over!
The guilt arising after swiping that plastic card somehow is being mitigated with a noble thought that I do good in global economy recovery. According to the economist including Stiglitz (I swear I only heard his name yesterday from my dearest young economist Mr. B hahaha), when people start holding back their money and bury it under their yard, the spiral of economy down turn is getting worst. So here I am, honored to be one of those patriots helping out global economy….
The impact depend on the product multiplier, the poorer the people producing it the higher it is. Since the are the one that will spend the most of their income and increase money circulation.
So I am sure you chose the brand produced using the highest value proportion of input using labour of poor people instead of the most hip brand with glitzty advertising :-D
hmmm you what a blasting comment!!
can you be more supportive bro?!!! hahaha
well, I am being supportive and believe that you will choose a product by the content of (its empowering) character and not on the color of the (lip) skin.
Unless you prove me wrong :-D
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