Saturday, April 12, 2008

Basic Instinct

Professional rider, swimmer, outdoor activities lover, cigars, drinks, tall, cat walk posture... in brief is everything that I am not and all things that person’s into. Finally I have the answer of my sleepless night.

Sometimes people got interested in something that completely different from their own. Different vibration can seems sexy, appealing or exotic sometimes. We’d like to explore things at certain stage. We potentially change and have our own evolution till the end of times, but most of the time the blue print is still there. Remain, and stays under our subs conscience. And by end of the day, we would come back to that inner print most of the time. Comfort…

One day we might find different color is so appealing; we might want to cruise with that for a while, to realize that we should go back to our basic one. May be we would settle for something at variance of the basic, i.e. not the dark blue, may be a lighter one but still within the gradation range.

Then I guess may be I should stop cruising those different side ways, to be settle with those in line with my basic tone. Would it be possible that I am denying my core and try to become none with attracting all that is not? Is that all creating all the mess…. But how do you distinguish between redefining our core and denying your being?

Hmm this makes me remember… in Moslem believe it is part of the nature law that one will be united with other at the same level of being (but from which angle this can be interpreted in varied way)


Anonymous said...

kagak ngarti

Alina said...

Wah ini .. komennya yg lebih bermakna dikit dunk...

Anonymous said...

Well, edisiku kayaknya nggak bakal pernah muncul, yah kayaknya harus mulai commit untuk bikin tanggapan terhadap your never ending mellow stories...

Nduk, there's nothing wrong trying to be in the other side - outside your comfort zone, in my company they call it pursuing the opportunities.. you will never know on what is your real capability or what you really deserve in life if you're not push yourself to the limit or explore hard to the other side... Tapi memang sih kita sebaiknya harus selalu punya clear frame to know what shall be inside and outside + value drivers dan value measures sebagai reminder agar kita tidak kebablasan untuk menjadi seseorang yang tidak dikenali lagi oleh orang dekat disekeliling kita...

Seems that you only tired on searching something that you don't know...(halah sok tua lhu-pikir sampeyan pasti)tapi coba jawab yang satu ini could you articulate clearly in my ear, what is inside your frame + your value drivers and measures in life? Tak tunggu your call besok ya...

You still haven't found what you're looking for? but hey,
What the heck... you're on the top of the world now.. young (agak nggak tepat sih), free, single, always looks unique and charming at wrong time and place (aneh maksute? itupun kalau sempat mandi dan pakai celak warna Shrek)... EXPLORE !

Anonymous said...

undangan komunitas orang indonesia di kuwait.
siapa tau berguna.

Berly said...

hmm...they say opposite attract but too much will repel :-)


Anonymous said...

Basic Nginstinct...itu pilem kan...???